@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+from __future__ import division
+import os
+import time
+from glob import glob
+import tensorflow as tf
+import numpy as np
+from collections import namedtuple
+from module import *
+from utils import *
+class cyclegan(object):
+ def __init__(self, sess, args):
+ self.sess = sess
+ self.batch_size = args.batch_size
+ self.image_size = args.fine_size
+ self.input_c_dim = args.input_nc
+ self.output_c_dim = args.output_nc
+ self.L1_lambda = args.L1_lambda
+ self.dataset_dir = args.dataset_dir
+ self.discriminator = discriminator
+ if args.use_resnet:
+ self.generator = generator_resnet
+ else:
+ self.generator = generator_unet
+ if args.use_lsgan:
+ self.criterionGAN = mae_criterion
+ else:
+ self.criterionGAN = sce_criterion
+ OPTIONS = namedtuple('OPTIONS', 'batch_size image_size \
+ gf_dim df_dim output_c_dim is_training')
+ self.options = OPTIONS._make((args.batch_size, args.fine_size,
+ args.ngf, args.ndf, args.output_nc,
+ args.phase == 'train'))
+ self._build_model()
+ self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
+ self.pool = ImagePool(args.max_size)
+ def _build_model(self):
+ self.real_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
+ [None, self.image_size, self.image_size,
+ self.input_c_dim + self.output_c_dim],
+ name='real_A_and_B_images')
+ self.real_A = self.real_data[:, :, :, :self.input_c_dim]
+ self.real_B = self.real_data[:, :, :, self.input_c_dim:self.input_c_dim + self.output_c_dim]
+ self.fake_B = self.generator(self.real_A, self.options, False, name="generatorA2B")
+ self.fake_A_ = self.generator(self.fake_B, self.options, False, name="generatorB2A")
+ self.fake_A = self.generator(self.real_B, self.options, True, name="generatorB2A")
+ self.fake_B_ = self.generator(self.fake_A, self.options, True, name="generatorA2B")
+ self.DB_fake = self.discriminator(self.fake_B, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorB")
+ self.DA_fake = self.discriminator(self.fake_A, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorA")
+ self.g_loss_a2b = self.criterionGAN(self.DB_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DB_fake)) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_A, self.fake_A_) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_B, self.fake_B_)
+ self.g_loss_b2a = self.criterionGAN(self.DA_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DA_fake)) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_A, self.fake_A_) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_B, self.fake_B_)
+ self.g_loss = self.criterionGAN(self.DA_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DA_fake)) \
+ + self.criterionGAN(self.DB_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DB_fake)) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_A, self.fake_A_) \
+ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_B, self.fake_B_)
+ self.fake_A_sample = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
+ [None, self.image_size, self.image_size,
+ self.input_c_dim], name='fake_A_sample')
+ self.fake_B_sample = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
+ [None, self.image_size, self.image_size,
+ self.output_c_dim], name='fake_B_sample')
+ self.DB_real = self.discriminator(self.real_B, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorB")
+ self.DA_real = self.discriminator(self.real_A, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorA")
+ self.DB_fake_sample = self.discriminator(self.fake_B_sample, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorB")
+ self.DA_fake_sample = self.discriminator(self.fake_A_sample, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorA")
+ self.db_loss_real = self.criterionGAN(self.DB_real, tf.ones_like(self.DB_real))
+ self.db_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN(self.DB_fake_sample, tf.zeros_like(self.DB_fake_sample))
+ self.db_loss = (self.db_loss_real + self.db_loss_fake) / 2
+ self.da_loss_real = self.criterionGAN(self.DA_real, tf.ones_like(self.DA_real))
+ self.da_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN(self.DA_fake_sample, tf.zeros_like(self.DA_fake_sample))
+ self.da_loss = (self.da_loss_real + self.da_loss_fake) / 2
+ self.d_loss = self.da_loss + self.db_loss
+ self.g_loss_a2b_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_a2b", self.g_loss_a2b)
+ self.g_loss_b2a_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_b2a", self.g_loss_b2a)
+ self.g_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss)
+ self.g_sum = tf.summary.merge([self.g_loss_a2b_sum, self.g_loss_b2a_sum, self.g_loss_sum])
+ self.db_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("db_loss", self.db_loss)
+ self.da_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("da_loss", self.da_loss)
+ self.d_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss)
+ self.db_loss_real_sum = tf.summary.scalar("db_loss_real", self.db_loss_real)
+ self.db_loss_fake_sum = tf.summary.scalar("db_loss_fake", self.db_loss_fake)
+ self.da_loss_real_sum = tf.summary.scalar("da_loss_real", self.da_loss_real)
+ self.da_loss_fake_sum = tf.summary.scalar("da_loss_fake", self.da_loss_fake)
+ self.d_sum = tf.summary.merge(
+ [self.da_loss_sum, self.da_loss_real_sum, self.da_loss_fake_sum,
+ self.db_loss_sum, self.db_loss_real_sum, self.db_loss_fake_sum,
+ self.d_loss_sum]
+ )
+ self.test_A = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
+ [None, self.image_size, self.image_size,
+ self.input_c_dim], name='test_A')
+ self.test_B = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
+ [None, self.image_size, self.image_size,
+ self.output_c_dim], name='test_B')
+ self.testB = self.generator(self.test_A, self.options, True, name="generatorA2B")
+ self.testA = self.generator(self.test_B, self.options, True, name="generatorB2A")
+ t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
+ self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'discriminator' in var.name]
+ self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'generator' in var.name]
+ for var in t_vars: print(var.name)
+ def train(self, args):
+ """Train cyclegan"""
+ self.lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, None, name='learning_rate')
+ self.d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr, beta1=args.beta1) \
+ .minimize(self.d_loss, var_list=self.d_vars)
+ self.g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr, beta1=args.beta1) \
+ .minimize(self.g_loss, var_list=self.g_vars)
+ init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
+ self.sess.run(init_op)
+ self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./logs", self.sess.graph)
+ counter = 1
+ start_time = time.time()
+ if args.continue_train:
+ if self.load(args.checkpoint_dir):
+ print(" [*] Load SUCCESS")
+ else:
+ print(" [!] Load failed...")
+ for epoch in range(args.epoch):
+ dataA = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/trainA'))
+ dataB = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/trainB'))
+ np.random.shuffle(dataA)
+ np.random.shuffle(dataB)
+ batch_idxs = min(min(len(dataA), len(dataB)), args.train_size) // self.batch_size
+ lr = args.lr if epoch < args.epoch_step else args.lr*(args.epoch-epoch)/(args.epoch-args.epoch_step)
+ for idx in range(0, batch_idxs):
+ batch_files = list(zip(dataA[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * self.batch_size],
+ dataB[idx * self.batch_size:(idx + 1) * self.batch_size]))
+ batch_images = [load_train_data(batch_file, args.load_size, args.fine_size) for batch_file in batch_files]
+ batch_images = np.array(batch_images).astype(np.float32)
+ # Update G network and record fake outputs
+ fake_A, fake_B, _, summary_str = self.sess.run(
+ [self.fake_A, self.fake_B, self.g_optim, self.g_sum],
+ feed_dict={self.real_data: batch_images, self.lr: lr})
+ self.writer.add_summary(summary_str, counter)
+ [fake_A, fake_B] = self.pool([fake_A, fake_B])
+ # Update D network
+ _, summary_str = self.sess.run(
+ [self.d_optim, self.d_sum],
+ feed_dict={self.real_data: batch_images,
+ self.fake_A_sample: fake_A,
+ self.fake_B_sample: fake_B,
+ self.lr: lr})
+ self.writer.add_summary(summary_str, counter)
+ counter += 1
+ print(("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] time: %4.4f" % (
+ epoch, idx, batch_idxs, time.time() - start_time)))
+ if np.mod(counter, args.print_freq) == 1:
+ self.sample_model(args.sample_dir, epoch, idx)
+ if np.mod(counter, args.save_freq) == 2:
+ self.save(args.checkpoint_dir, counter)
+ def save(self, checkpoint_dir, step):
+ model_name = "cyclegan.model"
+ model_dir = "%s_%s" % (self.dataset_dir, self.image_size)
+ checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir):
+ os.makedirs(checkpoint_dir)
+ self.saver.save(self.sess,
+ os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_name),
+ global_step=step)
+ def load(self, checkpoint_dir):
+ print(" [*] Reading checkpoint...")
+ model_dir = "%s_%s" % (self.dataset_dir, self.image_size)
+ checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, model_dir)
+ ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
+ if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
+ ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
+ self.saver.restore(self.sess, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, ckpt_name))
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def sample_model(self, sample_dir, epoch, idx):
+ dataA = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/testA'))
+ dataB = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/testB'))
+ np.random.shuffle(dataA)
+ np.random.shuffle(dataB)
+ batch_files = list(zip(dataA[:self.batch_size], dataB[:self.batch_size]))
+ sample_images = [load_train_data(batch_file, is_testing=True) for batch_file in batch_files]
+ sample_images = np.array(sample_images).astype(np.float32)
+ fake_A, fake_B = self.sess.run(
+ [self.fake_A, self.fake_B],
+ feed_dict={self.real_data: sample_images}
+ )
+ save_images(fake_A, [self.batch_size, 1],
+ './{}/A_{:02d}_{:04d}.jpg'.format(sample_dir, epoch, idx))
+ save_images(fake_B, [self.batch_size, 1],
+ './{}/B_{:02d}_{:04d}.jpg'.format(sample_dir, epoch, idx))
+ def test(self, args):
+ """Test cyclegan"""
+ init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
+ self.sess.run(init_op)
+ if args.which_direction == 'AtoB':
+ sample_files = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/testA'))
+ elif args.which_direction == 'BtoA':
+ sample_files = glob('./datasets/{}/*.*'.format(self.dataset_dir + '/testB'))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('--which_direction must be AtoB or BtoA')
+ if self.load(args.checkpoint_dir):
+ print(" [*] Load SUCCESS")
+ else:
+ print(" [!] Load failed...")
+ # write html for visual comparison
+ index_path = os.path.join(args.test_dir, '{0}_index.html'.format(args.which_direction))
+ index = open(index_path, "w")
+ index.write("<html><body><table><tr>")
+ index.write("<th>name</th><th>input</th><th>output</th></tr>")
+ out_var, in_var = (self.testB, self.test_A) if args.which_direction == 'AtoB' else (
+ self.testA, self.test_B)
+ for sample_file in sample_files:
+ print('Processing image: ' + sample_file)
+ sample_image = [load_test_data(sample_file, args.fine_size)]
+ sample_image = np.array(sample_image).astype(np.float32)
+ image_path = os.path.join(args.test_dir,
+ '{0}_{1}'.format(args.which_direction, os.path.basename(sample_file)))
+ fake_img = self.sess.run(out_var, feed_dict={in_var: sample_image})
+ save_images(fake_img, [1, 1], image_path)
+ index.write("<td>%s</td>" % os.path.basename(image_path))
+ index.write("<td><img src='%s'></td>" % (sample_file if os.path.isabs(sample_file) else (
+ '..' + os.path.sep + sample_file)))
+ index.write("<td><img src='%s'></td>" % (image_path if os.path.isabs(image_path) else (
+ '..' + os.path.sep + image_path)))
+ index.write("</tr>")
+ index.close()